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Medicare Advantage

As we noticed with Original Medicare Part A & B, 20% coinsurance's and wait .... No Dental, Vision or Hearing, or even Over the Counter that my neighbor gets ? Did I hear that right ? 


.....Yes.... You Did. 


This is when I like to educate people about what a Medicare Advantage plan can do for you ! 


First off, You still have Medicare Part A and B. You will still pay your Medicare Part B premium monthly. 


With a Medicare Advantage plan  ( also known as Part C ), you will now get protection from that 20% coinsurance in the form of a Maximum Out of Pocket. This is the MAX you will pay for covered Medicare Services in a year. They vary from plan to plan and from area to area. So if you want to find out what is available to you. Simply call me


Why is Maximum Out of Pocket is so important ? 

When you have Original Medicare you are subject to a 20% coinsurance..... of an UNCAPPED NUMBER. Meaning, if you had a surgery and the hopsital says, " with all the meds, rooms, staff, surgery and treatments we have provided we are going to charge 1 million dollars". You would be on the hook for 20%. That is $200,000. Again they can charge an unlimited amount of money. It is UNCAPPED. 


Not only does Medicare Advantage protect you from the 20%. It can also give you benefits you are not receiving with Original Medicare. Things like Dental, Vision, Hearing, Prescription & Over the Counter Drugs, and lower Inpatient hospital coverage. And we have not even scratched the surface ! 


Imagine getting to see your Doctor, Specialist, Pharmacist, Dentist, All on one simple card ! 


Again these plans vary by your zip code so to find out what is available in yours simply call me. 









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